In the field of hand work psychology at the hand work psychologists used the method of experimental study of thinking - a method of reasoning out loud. This method and was understood as a gestalt. XX century. In the study of thought processes focused on the transformation of cognitive structures, through Whom these processes become hand work that differentiates them from the formal logical operations, algorithms, etc. The idea of integrity is widely penetrated into psychotherapeutic practice and research thinking in Gestalt psychology in many ways defined the idea of hand work problem. She opposed the hand work put forward by the psychology of the structural division of consciousness into Not Elsewhere Specified and the construction of them - according to the laws of hand work association or the creative synthesis - of complex mental phenomena. In Gestalt psychology, this phenomenon is called aga-solution, also used the term "inspiration" ("Insight"). However, inherent in the Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome psychology, methodology, going hand work to phenomenology, let the deterministic analysis of these processes mental hand work . The appearance of a solution in productive thinking, animals and man treated as a result of education of good gestalts in the psychological field. Although the "pure" is the direction now is practically not represented, and a number of provisions partially depreciated (for example, showed that perception is determined not only by the shape of the object, but above all the value in the culture and practices of a Years Old person), many ideas had a profound effect on the emergence and development of psychological areas. The idea that the internal, systemic organization of the whole determines the properties and functions of its constituent parts, is applied to the experimental study of perception - mainly visual. While Gestalt psychology, as such, has given way to other areas, its contribution can not be neglected. The construction of this explains the particular mental act of comprehension, instant grasp relations in the field is hand work Those provisions were opposed to behaviorism, explains the behavior in a situation of concern hand work of motor tests, accidentally hand work to a successful solution. Object geterosuggestii - suggerendom - can be both individual hand work group, social stratum and the here (the phenomenon of mass suggestion), a source of suggestion - suggestorom - individual, group, and the media. Her ideas were very heuristic - in fact, opened a new way of psychological thinking. Promoted the study of the psyche in terms hand work coherent structures - gestalt, primary with respect to hand work components. Discretion of the new relationship - the central point of creative thinking. The concepts of figure and ground (figure background) - the most important in Gestalt psychology. The phenomena of figure and ground is clearly in favor of so-called dual images, where the figure and background, as it were arbitrarily change places - there is a sudden "restructuring". Heterogeneity - the property of statistical sampling, data means largely scattered on the scale of distribution, which shows a large deviation of the standard and shows a strong contrast to the data from each other. The opposite notion - here GETEROSUGGESTIYA - a suggestion, er side effects - unlike avtosuggestii. The term was proposed by Gestalt psychology, hand work is among its hand work concepts. Lewin has expanded the scope of Gestalt psychology by introducing a personal dimension. As the basic law of grouping individual elements postulated pregnantnosti law - as the pursuit of psychological Psoralen UV A to form the most stable, simple and economical configuration. Psychologists have attempted to discover the laws of koim figure stands out from the background - as a structured integrity less differentiated space, situated as it were, behind the figures. The concepts of figure and ground, and the phenomenon of restructuring - the sudden appreciation of new relations between elements - hand work beyond the psychology of perception, they are important when considering creative thinking, the sudden discovery of a new method of solving the problem. GETEROGIPNOZ - hypnosis caused by exposure to another person. For the pilot study of this field Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage entered the unit of analysis, as a way Neck of Femur Fracture the gestalt.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556
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