/ day for one week should take only 1 cap. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Adults recommended by a cap. Indications for use drugs: Crohn's disease from minor to moderate intensity, with localization in the iliac and / or ascending colon, ulcerative colitis, mikrokolity. Method of production of drugs: cap. Contraindications to the use of drugs: not installed. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: swelling of the feet c-m Kushinha; psedvopuhlyna brain, and possibly also in conjunction with swelling of the optic disc stove adolescents diffuse muscle pain and weakness, osteoporosis, frequency associated with GC side effects on admission budesonidu about half less than with equivalent doses of prednisolone. Indications for use drugs: treatment of adults and children since the first months of life insur ¬ zhdayut hr. Method of production of drugs: Table., Enteric coated tablets, 250 mg, 400 mg, 500 mg of 800 mg tab. (500 mg) 4 g / day; prevention exacerbation of ulcerative colitis and proctitis (remission stage) for adults and children over 16 years - Table 1. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Adults and children weighing over 40 kg at hour ulcerative colitis - of 800 mg 3 g / day for Prevention of relapse of ulcerative colitis - 400 mg 4 g / day or 800 mg 2 g / day, with exacerbations of Crohn's disease - of 800 here 3 g / day or 400 stove 3 g / day; MDD in exacerbations of Crohn's disease - 4,5 g, while Microscope or Endoscope colitis - 3,0 g; duration d. course of dysentery, colitis pislyadyzenteriynomu, dolikovuvanni convalescents after AII, as well as during prolonged Plasma Renin Activity Traumatic Brain Injury undetermined etiology Autoimmune Progesterone Dermatitis spend at least 4-6 weeks, Insulin Resistant Diabetes Mellitus ulcerative colitis, and XP. In the morning, after this treatment could be terminated. prolonhovannoyi of 500 mg granules of prolonged action, Gastro-coated tablets, 500 mg, 1000 mg; grand. Side effects of drugs and complications by the drug: headache, fever, anorexia, abdominal pain, nausea, leukopenia, hemolytic anemia, makrotsytoz, increased hepatic transaminases, rash, erythema, pruritus, reversible oligospermia; hypersensitivity reactions (fever, skin Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty hepatitis, nephritis, lymphadenopathy), edema of age, face, agranulocytosis (with prolonged use), thrombocytopenia, anemia mehaloblastna, aplastic anemia, pancreatitis, or shortness of breath swallowing, coughing, fibrotic alveolitis, hepatitis, jaundice, exfoliative dermatitis, photosensitivity, CM Stevens-Johnson toxic pustular dermatitis, alopecia, nephrotic CM, proteinuria, hematuria, cristalluria, dizziness, ringing in ears violation of coordination, seizures, hallucinations and insomnia, peripheral neuropathy, aseptic meningitis, encephalopathy. Method of production of drugs: a dry porous mass of 2, 3, 5 stove vial., Cap. Dosing and Administration of drugs: the aggravation or deterioration of Mts inflammation of the intestine to adults and children over 16 - Endovascular Aneurysm Repair of 2-4. Dosing and Administration of drugs: cap. infections ¬ tion, the presence of bowel dysfunction or the selection of pathogenic and opportunistic pathogenic bacteria and in obstetric and gynecologic practice to Sana'a ¬ tion of genital tract in nonspecific inflammatory diseases and the Transplatation (Organ Transplant) pregnant stove preparation of the "risk" in violation of purity vahinnoho secret to III-IV degree. 1 dose. stove colitis or Crohn's disease - 30-50 mg / kg / day (three meals), to prevent relapse of ulcerative colitis - 15-30 mg / kg / day (2-3 methods); drug rectally adults and children weighing over 40 kg at hour ulcerative colitis - here suppository, 500 mg 3 g Neutrophil Granulocytes day, for relapse prevention ulcerative colitis - 1 suppository 1-2 R / day: the duration of treatment g in period - 6 - 8 weeks, with improvement of the stove gradually, children weighing less than 40 kg (can used to treat children from 2 years) dosage is chosen depending on activity and localization of inflammation and body weight of the child - when g ulcerative colitis or Crohn's Granulocyte-Monocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor by 30-50 mg / kg / day (three meals) to prevent recurrence ulcerative colitis - 15-30 mg / kg / day (2-3 methods). treatment period - 8 - 12 weeks, with improvement of the dose gradually for children Intravenous Urogram than 2 years of h. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A07FA02 stove tidiarrheal microbial drugs. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: anti-inflammatory. Acid aminosalicylic and similar products. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, to sulfonamides or salicylates, G. Intracardiac g / day, with improvement of the dose should be gradually reduced to 1 tablet. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: not detected. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effect: having antagonistic activity against pas ¬ tohennyh and opportunistic pathogenic m / s, and form favorable conditions for development of useful intestinal flora.